How to Warm Up for Volleyball: Full Body Dynamic Range of Motion Series
Full Body Dynamic Range of Motion Series for Beach Volleyball
Today we will show you a series of Full Body Dynamic Range of Motion exercises which you can do on your own. Watch this video and see if you can incorporate these exercises into your beach volleyball practice warm-ups.
- Lying Straight Leg Kicks
- Lying Straight Leg Cross Over Swings
- Lying Scorpions
- Cat / Cow Series
- Push Up - Downward Dog / Upward Dog Series
- Alternating Calf Stretch
- Knee Hugs
- Quad Stretch
- Lateral Lunges
- Elbow to Instep / Lunge Twist
- Warrior One / Triangle Stretch
- Alternating Pigeon Stretches
- Deep Squat Twist
- Open / Hug
- Straight Arm Swings
- Clasp Hands Behind Back / Hamstring Stretch and Reach
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