
Rate All The Aspects Of Your Life & Find Ways To Get Better

This assessment may not be the easiest... But you've made it this far so keep going! We promise that when you complete this you will have new ways to better your life and expose areas where growth can happen and WILL happen.

This assessment will walk through a lot of different areas of your life that have the potential to BE BETTER. Be honest with yourself with your scores. You are not allowed to use 7 as a score! Put everything on the table and be open-minded to share those areas that need growth and use this as a guide to make important changes in your life!

On each of these questions, rate yourself then include the reasoning for that rating along with ways to make it a higher rating.

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Question 1 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: Your level of fitness?

Question 2 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: Your friends. Are you proud of your friend group? Do you guys push each other to be better? Are you satisfied?

Question 3 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: Your family (mom, dad, brother, sister, etc besides your romantic relationships)? Rate your relationship skills with your family. Are you fighting to make it the best relationship it can be?

Question 4 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: Romantic relationships. Dating, married, single- are you happy with that area of your life?

Question 5 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: How happy are you with your diet?

Question 6 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: How happy are you with your spirituality? 

Question 7 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: How happy are you with your business/career or schooling? Are you excelling or do you feel like you could put in more work?

Question 8 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: How happy are you with your financial situation? Do you stress over finances everyday or do you feel like you've set yourself up well to be successful?

Question 9 of 16

Rate yourself 1-10: How happy are you with how much you push yourself for personal development or growth? 

Doing this assessment, give yourself some extra bonus points because this alone is challenging you to be better!

Question 10 of 16

What are some of your doubts and weaknesses in your volleyball life and skills that you can make better?? Elaborate on some of your doubts, fears, and weaknesses.

Question 11 of 16

What are some of your doubts and weaknesses in your volleyball team/your partner that you can make better?? How is your communication? Elaborate on some of your doubts, fears, and weaknesses.

Question 12 of 16

What are some of your doubts and weaknesses in your school and work life?? Elaborate on some of your doubts, fears, and weaknesses.

Question 13 of 16

What are some of your doubts and fears of your romantic/closest relationships in your life? Elaborate on those doubts, weaknesses, and fears.

Question 14 of 16

What are some of your doubts and fears of your personal life? Elaborate on those doubts, weaknesses, and fears.

Question 15 of 16

NOW, let's end on the positives. List all of the positive things of each of those categories we just walked through- Volleyball life & skills, your team, school/work life, romantic/close relationships, and your personal life!

Question 16 of 16

Last question, what is your "Why" for playing beach volleyball?

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