
Anchoring - Finding Your Championship Mental & Physical Flow State

Anchoring is a process by which we recall a psychological state and recreate that internal environment. Our physical actions and reactions often correlate with similar mental states and external situations

Did you know that we can RE-CREATE success?

It's true.

Anchoring is a process by which we recall a psychological state and recreate that internal environment. Our physical actions and reactions often correlate with similar mental states and external situations

When we use this to our advantage for sports or high performance in any other endeavor, we re-create the same internal environment from past successful performances in order to get us physically and mentally closer to our most successful state of being!

We are going to walk you through this and show you how to consistently create great performances.


Question 1 of 7

Think back to a time when your performance was essentially unstoppable. Ideally, this memory should come from a volleyball match or practice but if you have trouble remembering one of those times, use memories from other parts of your life. Maybe you gave a presentation where every word flowed perfectly. Maybe you CRUSHED the dance floor one night or told every joke perfectly at a party.

Choose a performance where

Everything you did was right.

You didn't second-guess yourself.

You were confident, even dominant.

You were at peak performance.


Write down the time, place and event.

Question 2 of 7

Read this guiding statement and then close your eyes to recall peak performance state. Go there in your mind.

What mood are you in? 

Angry. Happy Calm. Goofy. Urgent. Something Else.

Write it down.

Question 3 of 7

Read this guiding statement and then close your eyes to recall peak performance state. Go there in your mind.

What is your breathing like?

Slow. Rhythmic. Deep. Fast. Even. Through your nose. Through your mouth.

Write it down.

Question 4 of 7

Read this guiding statement and then close your eyes to recall peak performance state. Go there in your mind.

What facial expression did you have one?

Blank. Angry. Smiling. Aloof. Serious. Focused. Wide eyes. Narrow eyes.

Write it down.

Question 5 of 7

Read this guiding statement and then close your eyes to recall peak performance state. Go there in your mind.

Describe your posture and muscle tension.

Were your shoulders back? Were you hunched forward? Low? Relaxed? Tall?

Was there tension or relaxation in your hands, feet, legs, arms, hands?

Write it all down.

Question 6 of 7

Read this guiding statement and then close your eyes to recall peak performance state. Go there in your mind.

What were you telling yourself?

Was there a phrase you kept repeating either internally or externally?

Did you / do you have a mantra?

Write it all down.


Question 7 of 7

From here, your mission is to recreate your high performance state as much as possible from the inside out.


Go through this process step by step before each performance, each point, each serve. Control your internal environment first and then you'll have a stronger ability to create external results.


When outside thoughts, scores, distractions, unruly fans, troublesome opponents start getting in your way, start from the beginning and block them out by recreating the Peak Performance Version of You!


This is not easy and it will not "just happen". You need to train this and practice it every opportunity you get.


On a piece of paper, a notebook or even your hand, write yourself a one word reminder of this Championship State. Practice getting to this state before every practice and match.


Practice returning to this state when you get rattled.


Make sure you subscribe to our emails on the next page so we can send you your printable results.

Look at this page before your next few practices and matches and start intentionally applying your new super-power.




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